Things Every Wife Tries To Find In Her Husband

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“Marriages are made in heaven, but celebrated on earth” so goes a saying! But making a marriage work requires a lot of cooperation, compromise, and understanding from both the husband and the wife. Generally, women adapt to their new situations pretty soon and try to live up to their husband’s expectations as well. Whereas men take some more time to get used to their new life and responsibilities. This disparity can sometimes lead to frictions and frequent quarrels, leaving husbands completely clueless about the root cause of the issue. If you are one such husband, then in all probability, you might not be aware of your wife’s expectations of you. But, don’t worry! We bring you here some basic things your loving wife might expect from you:

A Reliable Confidant

Right at the onset of marriage, a newly-wed woman finds herself lonely in a completely new household and relationships. Away from her paternal home, a known social circle, and an old way of life, this is ‘the’ time where she requires her husband the most. She expects him to become her most reliable confidant and her best friend with whom she can share her worries and concerns. And the husband, in turn, needs to assume this new role in the most unbiased manner. Because it is this phase that lays the foundation of trust in the wife towards her husband for a lifetime. If you have been wrongly judging your wife’s concerns to be unnecessary cribbing and complaining, then you definitely need to rethink that now.

Romantic Side

Romantic Side
Image: Shutterstock

Of course, what is marriage without a liberal dose of romance? A woman expects her husband to have a romantic side to him apart from the physical aspect of their relationship. And this need not be restricted only to your ‘honeymoon’ period. Sweet romantic gestures like saying sorry with a flower, holding hands when you are together, an impromptu dinner date or even singing her favorite song as you help her out in the kitchen go a long way in keeping that spark alive in your relationship. Otherwise, your marriage will soon become mechanical and boring once it gets bogged down with responsibilities.

Effective Communication

Effective Communication
Image: Shutterstock

One of the key aspects to making a marriage work is communication. However, effective communication is not just talking to each other, but understanding each other as well. Wives usually do not shy away from expressing themselves in different ways. Whereas husbands might have a different way to communicate altogether. Sometimes, husbands also do not put an effort to communicate effectively with their wives under the false impression that it’ll be a time-consuming process. This should never be done. On the contrary, the more you communicate with your wife, the better you’ll understand her. And, of course, she’ll appreciate this quality of yours too.

Attention And Time

Attention And Time
Image: Shutterstock

It is said that the best gift a man can give his wife is his undivided attention. Wives generally expect that the most important person in their life gives them their time and attention. Of course, husbands may argue that they need to work harder to give their family a better standard of life. But what is the point of spending so much time earning money when you cannot enjoy its perks with your loved ones? Make an honest attempt at spending quality time with your wife. If your days are busy, then spend some time talking to your wife before you go to bed. Listen to her happenings of the day or catch up on the neighborhood gossip to make the interaction enjoyable. When you’re out shopping, give her your honest opinions, or still better, help her choose her outfits. Remember, she is not asking your opinion because she doesn’t have one, rather because she’s vying for your attention.

We hope that this little insight into your wife’s expectations has helped you answer some of those nagging questions on your mind. Remember, no matter what you do, your wife loves you to bits. She’s also the one who’ll stand by you when you need her the most. So, whatever you do for her is surely going to be worth the effort! Good luck!

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