When To Transition A Toddler To Bed

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If you’re a parent to a newborn, you can probably relate to how fast your little one grows up. One minute you’re bringing your baby home from the hospital, and the next minute they are already crawling around the house at ninja speed. It’s quick, and it happens to every parent. While your baby’s milestones are something you look forward to with eagerness, it’s also hard to accept that the little angel in your arms is growing up.

You’ll have to start making minor changes to accommodate your little one growing up. From potty training them and switching to solid foods to baby-proofing your home and moving them to a separate bed, the changes can be quite significant. Some parents might prefer sharing their bed with their baby, but it’s best to transition them into a separate bed as time goes by. Scroll below to find out when you should make that transition:

  • Jailbreaks From The Crib

If your child no longer stays in their crib and can easily escape it, you should consider making the transition to a bed. Imagine your child climbs out of their crib in the middle of the night — that is every parent’s nightmare. Therefore, if your baby is growing up and climbs out of their crib often, consider investing in a toddler bed that is low to the ground. These beds usually have high railings in the side to prevent your baby from falling off the bed in their sleep.

  • They Say They Want A Bigger Bed
When To Transition A Toddler To Bed
Image: Shutterstock

If your child is old enough to express their need for a bigger bed verbally, chances are that they are ready for one. Sometimes, if your child is not prepared for a toddler bed emotionally and you enforce that change, it might overwhelm them. However, if they are asking you for a change, give it to them.

  • They Are Outgrowing The Crib (Literally)
When To Transition A Toddler To Bed
Image: Shutterstock

This is probably one of the most obvious signs that indicate that your child needs a new bed. It’s time to make the shift to a toddler bed if your little one has to squeeze themselves in and out of their crib. Usually, kids who are about 2-3 years old are too big for baby cribs, and the lack of space may start to affect their sleep quality. You can probably relate to this feeling when your partner isn’t around, and you get to enjoy the ample extra space of your bed.

  • Everyone Feels Ready
When To Transition A Toddler To Bed
Image: Shutterstock

If your little one has outgrown the crib and is also emotionally ready, why not take the plunge? As a parent, you might be worried about whether your baby will be able to adjust to their new bed. You can make the transition easier for them by getting them excited about it. Drop hints and tell them that it’s great to sleep on their new bed. You can also take them shopping with you to choose their new bed.

  • Your Little One Shows Excitement
When To Transition A Toddler To Bed
Image: Shutterstock

Your baby might be super excited to sleep on their big-baby bed, but it might take a while for them to adjust to it. So don’t be surprised if they find it difficult to get a good night’s sleep for the first few weeks. Keep a watch on them, so you know if they are experiencing any discomfort or fears about their new sleep space.

It’s always a little overwhelming to welcome change, especially when it involves your baby. But making the transition from crib to bed is an important milestone for any child and parent. Keep your toddler close to you so you can keep an eye on them while they ease into the transition. Also, remember to get comfortable bedding so your baby can enjoy a good night’s slumber. Have your kids made their transition to a separate bed yet? Comment below and let us know!

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Bency Sebastian
Bency Sebastian
Writer, dreamer and a moon child. Bency believes that music, words, and little precious moments of life add color to a world that is black and white..

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