Vaginal Dryness After Childbirth? Here’s What Can Help

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The arrival of the little one can bring in a lot of joy and happiness to your life. But, childbirth can also have its own share of disadvantages and side effects. One of these side effects includes vaginal dryness. While many new moms hesitate to share their thoughts on this topic, more awareness and information can only make handling everything a little bit easier. We, at MomJunction, wish to help you in the way that we know best. Here, we will be talking about all that you need to know about vaginal dryness so that you can be better prepared for what lies ahead.

Vaginal Dryness And Hormones (1)

The two hormones that are mainly produced in the ovaries are progesterone and estrogen. These are the hormones that trigger puberty, which includes menstruation and breast development. Even the buildup of the uterine lining is caused due to these hormones. If the fertilized egg doesn’t get implanted in this lining, the levels of these two hormones drop. And, the lining is shed in the form of the period.

On the other hand, during pregnancy, your hormone levels will soar. And, the lining will not get discarded. Instead, it will develop into the placenta. Even the placenta begins to release both the hormones – progesterone and estrogen. They are crucial for the healthy progression of your pregnancy.

But, the levels of these hormones significantly decline post-childbirth. In fact, the estrogen and progesterone levels return to its original pre-pregnancy levels within a span of 24 hours post delivery. Moreover, the estrogen levels go down even further while you are breastfeeding as it can interfere with the production of milk.

And, estrogen is the hormone that is particularly important for lovemaking arousal as it boosts the blood flow to the genitals. In the process, it also increases the lubrication in the vaginal area. The lack of estrogen hormones is what is responsible for many of the symptoms, including vaginal dryness.

What Vaginal Dryness Can Do (2)?

What Vaginal Dryness Can Do
Image: Shutterstock

In vaginal dryness, the tissue in the area can become relatively less elastic, thinner, and more susceptible to injury. There can be inflammation in that area, which may result in itching and burning too. During this phase, lovemaking can be pretty painful, even resulting in bleeding at times.

These symptoms should naturally disappear once you start breastfeeding and the estrogen levels go up to reach its normal self again.

Here, we bring you some tips that can help you out with vaginal dryness until then:

  • You can perhaps try using a vaginal moisturizer, which you need to apply only every few days
  • Drink water to keep yourself well hydrated
  • Avoid personal hygiene sprays that can irritate your sensitive vaginal tissues
  • Be honest with your partner about everything, including your concerns
  • You can use a lubricant when you indulge in lovemaking. Try to steer away from petroleum-based lubricants in case your partner is using condoms as it can damage the condom
  • You can also consult your doctor about whether you can use an estrogen vaginal cream

But, if your pain is intolerable and the symptoms too persist, you can consult your doctor. Also, if you feel concerned about anything, don’t hesitate and just reach out to the doctor. This is because there are other conditions as well that can result in painful lovemaking like diabetes or infections. So, it is important to be sure about what is causing the vaginal dryness to treat the same accordingly.

However, most of the times, there is nothing to worry about. So, don’t get worked up. You now know what to look out for. So, if anything seems out of routine, just consult a medical professional. Good luck, ladies!

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