8 Wacky Things (Besides Baby!) That You’ve Seen in Your Ultrasound Photos

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Soon after hearing the good news, one of the first few things that an expectant couple looks forward to is their first ultrasonography visit. The moment when they get to see their little one’s heart beating for the first time is very precious for them. From that moment on, an ultrasound becomes very much a part of their journey towards parenthood. It is the only way they can see their baby even before he/she comes into this world. At times, however, expectant parents, usually first-timers, enter the ultrasonography unit expecting a picture-perfect image of their baby; only to be taken aback with what they see on the ultrasound monitor. This is because some of the images might appear so weird and crazy due to the angles that they leave expectant parents nonplussed. Wondering what the whole fuss is about? Then have a look here and decide for yourself if what you see is indeed what it is:

Crab Claws

Whether we like seafood or not, most of us have seen a crab at least once in our lifetime. Or, at least, an image of it. Therefore, we’re sure you’ll know what a crab’s claw looks like. And no, this isn’t an image of one that has been swallowed whole by the expectant mother. It is, indeed, a fetus at three months of age!!

Safety Helmet

Safety Helmet
Image: Shutterstock

For every parent, the safety of their little ones is of utmost importance. And, sooner or later, they wish to teach safe habits to their kids. Therefore, these parents might have been delighted to see their little twins replicate the image of a safety helmet at just 10 months. Thus, taking the phrase ‘learning it in the mother’s womb” to a different level.

The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid
Image: Shutterstock

Who says mermaids exist only in fairy tales? They can sometimes make an appearance at unexpected places, like the womb here, and surprise everyone around them. Just like this little 20 weeks old fetus who looks like a little mermaid, complete with fins and a tail, isn’t it?

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty
Image: Shutterstock

Putting a newborn baby to sleep is one of the biggest tasks that new parents gear themselves up for. But, looking at this 12-week-old fetus who seems to be in a relaxed sleep, all we can say is that this might have been one lucky couple!

An Angel? Or A Devil?

An Angel Or A Devil
Image: Shutterstock

This might have been one hell of a hilarious situation if the image is anything to go by. Imagine the parents walking into the ultrasound room and expecting to see an angelic silhouette only to be taken aback completely upon seeing this on the monitor!!

Planetary Motion

Planetary Motion
Image: Shutterstock

Is it Jupiter? Saturn? Or the distant Pluto? Not at all. This is an ultrasonic x-ray image of fraternal twins in the womb meeting their first-trimester milestone together. And, definitely not of a planet orbiting around its own axis!

Night Vision Goggles

Night Vision Goggles
Image: Shutterstock

It is only a few months after birth that babies start to develop a certain personality. And, probably a lot more time than that before they can exhibit their ‘swag’! However, this little one’s cool night vision goggles seem to indicate that his/her style statement is sure to be ahead of its time!

Astronaut In Space

Astronaut In Space
Image: Shutterstock

You might have heard of expectant couples being on cloud nine upon hearing the good news. However, what if the baby too steps onto … well … cloud 10? By that, we mean the outer space here. Looks like the little one is prepared for an out-of-the-world experience (pun definitely intended) complete with an astronaut suit and all!

We are sure that these wacky images have made you rub your eyes either in disbelief or simply to wipe those tears of laughter. Either way, they were amusing, weren’t they? Have you too come across such wacky pics as parents? If yes, please do share your experiences with us and spread some cheer!

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