5 Ways To Stay Fit While Pregnant

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We all know the benefits of exercising regularly and eating healthy. It keeps you active, helps pump blood to your system and releases happy hormones into your body! So, why give it up while you’re pregnant? Staying fit is a lifestyle and being pregnant doesn’t mean the end of your workout routine. It could just be the beginning of a new one. Gaining a bit of weight is normal at this time, but to stay as healthy as possible, it’s best not to gobble up a whole box of donuts in one sitting. Opting for a light, accommodating workout plan along with nutritious meals can help you stay energized and healthy . Women often mistake pregnancy as a time to pack on the pounds but this isn’t necessarily true. You can easily get into better shape while pregnant by following some basic practices.

Here are 5 ways to stay fit while pregnant:

1. Role Onto Your Side When You’d Like To Sit Up

As the days progress your belly will get bigger and bigger, until minute tasks like getting up seem like a chore. Remember, your abdominal muscles are separating which happens due to the pressure of your growing baby as well as all the hormonal changes you go through while pregnant (1). At first glance this separation doesn’t seem harmless but it may cause some discomfort by creating a bulge, making your belly appear far bigger than it actually is. To avoid further abdominal separation and straining yourself, try rolling onto your side before you slowly sit up. This will shift the weight onto your side instead of putting all the pressure on your belly and back.

2. Keep A Bottle Of Water Within Reach At All Times

Keep A Bottle Of Water Within Reach At All Times
Image: Shutterstock

This is the oldest rule in the book. We can’t count the number of times our mothers have berated us into drinking enough water. This is crucial for mothers-to-be as well. Not only is it good for your overall health but drinking a sufficient amount of water can help you keep your weight under control (2). Staying hydrated is especially important because water aids in the formation of the placenta (3). So if you struggle to keep count of the number of glasses you need to drink or don’t particularly enjoy drinking water, here’s a hack for you. Invest in a bottle that you find colorful and fun and make sure to carry it around with you. Chances are you’ll be tempted to take a sip every now and then.

3. Avoid Falling Prey To The “Eating For Two” Mindset

Avoid Falling Prey To The Eating For Two Mindset
Image: Shutterstock

Controlling pregnancy cravings can be hard at times. I mean how are you supposed to explain to someone why you desperately need licorice and mayonnaise together (yes this is real) ? As hard as it is to say no to your taste buds, sometimes it’s for the best. Making healthy food choices is one way to ensure that you stay fit throughout your pregnancy. But even if you are prioritizing healthy foods, make sure you don’t immediately double your normal calorie intake simply because you assume that you need to eat for two. This is simply not true, in fact, you are required to eat only 300 additional calories per day during your second and third trimester (4). So, as fun as it is to eat whatever and how much ever you’d like, keep in mind that your baby doesn’t need you to overindulge in meals.

4. Eat Your Largest Meal At Lunchtime

Eat Your Largest Meal At Lunchtime
Image: Shutterstock

Carrying a baby all day long can get pretty exhausting so we understand why you’d like to eat a heavy meal at night or have one too many snacks in the evening. In order to prevent this from happening it’s best to eat your largest portions during lunchtime. This way you won’t get those hunger pangs once the clock strikes 5. Sticking to a nutritious and filling lunch will help you avoid binging on junk food and will keep you healthy and fit.

5. Workout While Pregnant

Workout While Pregnant
Image: Shutterstock

As tempting as it is to spend your pregnancy days lazing on the couch and catching up on your favorite shows, a portion of that time should go to working out. Now, you don’t need to do an intense workout in order to stay fit. But a light and regular exercise routine will help boost your mood and help with the aches and pains that come with pregnancy. Although some exercises like hot yoga and a lot of jumping aren’t recommended, you’re not as delicate as you think you are. Go take a walk or jog. Sign up for some pregnancy yoga classes or do a low intensity workout in the comfort of your home. Your options are limitless!

Although it may seem far fetched, staying fit while pregnant is not a dream. It is very doable as long as you make a conscious effort to be healthy. These 5 practices are bound to help you along the way. Is there something we’ve missed out on? Let us know in the comments section. Happy Pregnancy!

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