8 Ways To Strengthen A Parent-Child Relationship

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Every relationship requires hard work and efforts to become happy, strong, and successful. And, this is not just restricted to adult relationships but also applies to your bond with your little one. As much as parents crave for the “close” moments, the tiny angels desire for the same. If efforts are not put into nurturing this relationship, it might fade away with time, leaving us heartbroken.

Parenting is definitely the toughest job on the planet. In one moment, you will want to tear your hair out in desperation. And, then in another moment, you will be ready to give everything up for your kid’s happiness. But, every parent puts in their all to ensure that their child gets the best. But, at the end of the day, we are all just humans. We are bound to make some mistakes even though our intentions are pure. But, as we know how essential it is to build a strong connection with our little ones, we bring you some habits that you can imbibe to achieve the same:

1. More Hugs It Is

Can’t we all vouch for jaadu ki jhappi (the magical hug)? It is one of the most incredible ways to let your kids know how much you love them. All they need is a reassuring hug to make them feel safe and secure. Start with a hug in the morning, fill in the days with more cuddles, and give one right before they sleep. And, then see these hugs work their magic.

2. Share Some Laughs Together

Share Some Laughs Together
Image: Shutterstock

Play with your children, make them laugh, and just enjoy some “fun” moments with them. It can help release stress and make them feel more emotionally connected to you. And, them craving to spend more time with you is just another awesome perk.

3. Keep Those Techie Gadgets At Bay

Keep Those Techie Gadgets At Bay
Image: Shutterstock

How does it make you feel when someone seems distracted by their phone in the middle of a conversation? Trust us, it is no different with your kids. So, keep all these distractions at bay. Instead, spend these moments solely focusing on your little ones- interacting and learning together.

4. Bond More Before Transitions

Bond More Before Transitions
Image: Shutterstock

Almost every kid faces difficulty when they are transitioning from one phase to another. Didn’t we also? It becomes pretty important then to reach out and be there for them during this phase. And, if you do, they will always see you as their pillar of support.

5. One-On-One Time

One-On-One Time
Image: Shutterstock

Always make sure you take out time for your kid. If you have multiple children, it becomes important to ensure that you spend some quality time with each one of them individually as well. Children can be sensitive so it becomes integral that neither of them feels left out.

6. Let The Emotions Pour

Let The Emotions Pour
Image: Shutterstock

It is essential that your children are comfortable expressing emotions. Bottling up all those feelings can take a toll on them. So, even if they are really sad, don’t ask them to stop crying. Try to know what the reason is and help them heal. This will help your kids in the long run. And, also they will never shy away from opening up in front of you.

7. Be A Listener

Be A Listener
Image: Shutterstock

There is something your angel wants to tell you. It turns out you have had a similar experience before and you already know the solution. While you might have the urge to interrupt them, don’t. Listen to them, understand their perspective, and then only share your wisdom with them.

8. Know Their Side Of The Story

Know Their Side Of The Story
Image: Shutterstock

You just heard that your child did something bad. Your first reaction may be to scold them so as to teach them how it was a wrong thing to do. But, wait for a second and hear their side of the story. It is important to understand why they did it in the first place. Maybe, you will be able to help them out better.

If you have any other tip in your mind, please share it with the fellow mothers in the comments section below!

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