What Does Your Bedroom Say About You?

Written by , MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) Chaitra Krishnan MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) Experience: 5 years
Last Updated on

Self-introspection is very important if you want to lead a peaceful life. Knowing yourself will help you understand your needs better. When you meet someone, knowingly or unknowingly you tend to paint a picture that isn’t completely true. You might say that you go to the gym and workout every other day, but deep inside you know that the money you paid at the gym just went down the drain. However, if you want to know how you are, or if you want to know the true character of someone you like, you should take a look at their house. The living space of a person can say a lot about them and this applies to their bedroom more than any other room.

Your living room and kitchen can still be pretentious and misleading to a new person who walks into your house. However, your bedroom is the place where they can get to know about your true character. It’s your most comfortable space and unknowingly you tend to put down all your masks before snuggling into your bedspread. According to the kind of bedroom a person has, we can divide their characters into different groups. Read on to know what group you belong to!

The Minimalistic Monk

If you walk into a minimalistic monk’s bedroom, you’d see very few items— a bed, a table lamp, a drawer, and maybe a study table. It all looks very simple and there isn’t anything particularly eye catchy in that room. The room is always clean and neat, and you wouldn’t find any add ons like posters and fancy showpieces anywhere around. People with this kind of a bedroom set up are as simple as the room itself. They are the ones who wake up on time and go to work without any fuss. They have it all organized in their mind and they don’t need a lot of attention from others. Such people are not at all demanding and not very giving as well. One of the best qualities of these people is that they are very straight forward and they do not hide anything in the back of their minds. However, they like to spend more time alone than involve in social interactions.

The Sustainability Sailor

The Sustainability Sailor
Image: Shutterstock

If you’re a sustainability sailor, you’d have plants and power-saving gadgets in your room. You’d have metal straws and decomposable plastic bags in your drawer. These kind of people honestly care about the environment and they consume minimal resources. They not only do it in their own life but also encourage others to follow their lifestyle. They have an organized bedroom just like a minimalist, but there are more items.

Sustainability sailors are quite social and giving. They are warm people who love science and who hang out at the library most of the time. They like to learn about new things and they love to share their knowledge with others. People might feel that they boast a lot when they are trying to put forward a valid point.

The Messy Mouse

The Messy Mouse
Image: Shutterstock

Messy mice like to drop things on the floor and leave their clothes on the study table even if they have two or three large closets in the room. Their bedroom looks like a legit mess and they are hardly ever bothered by that fact. These people are so absorbed into other things that they really don’t care how their living space looks like. A messy mouse is an interesting person with a lot of knowledge and creativity. They are always busy doing something or the other and don’t even find enough time to organize their room. These people are often extroverts and love to go on road trips and adventure hunts. If you’re a messy mouse, know that it’s totally okay to have a messy room as long as you’re having fun in your life!

The Glamour Glitter

The Glamour Glitter
Image: Shutterstock

This is the fancy person who has all the gold and glitter they need to decorate their room. They might even spend more than what they earn just to make their bedroom look good. You’ll see wall posters, picture frames, fancy wall paintings, lights, and piles of soft toys in their room. These people are as fancy as their bedroom is. They love to go shopping and partying. They are very attractive and love to show off their “superiority” in a group.

The Artist

The Artist
Image: Shutterstock

The nature of an artist’s bedroom cannot be predicted because each one of them has a different and creative touch. You might find things related to music, art, dance, and photography in their room. It all depends on what their field of interest is. However, we can be sure of one thing, that these people have the most interesting living spaces. They can be introverts or extroverts but they are very creative people. They strike up the most interesting conversations and they are always good to be around.

Your bedroom surely says a lot about the real you but even so, some people add pretentious features like a fancy chandelier or a sporty wall poster that they do not connect with. So, let’s not blindly read into it and make space for chances of pretention as well. Which type of bedroom do you have? Let us know in the comments below.

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Chaitra Krishnan
Chaitra KrishnanBeauty & Lifestyle Enthusiast
Chaitra has a triple main bachelor’s degree in journalism, communicative English, and economics from St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, and a master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from St. Joseph's College, Bengaluru.

Read full bio of Chaitra Krishnan
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