Here’s What To Do If A Zit Keeps Coming Back

Written by Saumya Gaur
Last Updated on

Is that persistent pimple getting you down? Is that unwelcome guest of yours refusing to bid you farewell? Fear not, all’s not lost yet.

Pimples are just one of the ways acne, a very common skin condition, manifests itself. The other common manifestations being whiteheads and blackheads, which usually occur when our body produces sebum in excess, and that sebum gets trapped in the hair follicles leading to an accumulation of dirt, grime, and dead cells (1).

There are a number of factors at play that give rise to acne, some of them being hormones, diet, stress, etc. However, if you have a zit that refuses to go, these are some of the common triggers that may be responsible for that. Let’s look at them in detail.

Here’s Why It Keeps Coming Back Repeatedly

1. You Don’t Have Regular Bowel Movements

It might seem surprising, but it’s true. If you have a diet which has a low fiber content, it can cause your bowel movements to slow down which leads to a build-up of toxins. Regular bowel movements help in flushing out these toxins in a timely manner which contributes to glowing, fresh skin. If this doesn’t happen, chances are you are likely to suffer from skin ailments such as acne (2).

2. You Are Stressed

You Are Stressed
Image: Shutterstock

This is simple enough. Hormonal imbalance is a major factor for the occurrence of acne. If you are in an environment where you are frequently stressed, it is bound to upset your hormonal balance. It does so by increasing the level of androgens in your body and suppressing your immune system. This makes your body a perfect host for persistent acne.

3. You’re Spending Too Much Time In The Office

You’re Spending Too Much Time In The Office
Image: Shutterstock

Yes, for many of you workaholics this will come as a surprise, but it’s true. Spending those long hours at desk deprive you of the precious sunlight, which is a great source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is especially important for the good health of your skin, and its deficiency makes your skin more vulnerable to ailments such as acne (3).

4. You’re Cleaning Your Face Too Much

You’re Cleaning Your Face Too Much
Image: Shutterstock

Yup, there’s such a thing as overcleaning. In a bid to prevent breakouts, many of us tend to wash our face as many times as possible in a day. In reality, this actually ends up irritating our skin which makes it more susceptible to acne (4). This also disturbs the pH of our skin, making it easier for the bacteria to settle in the follicles, which leads to acne.

5. Your Cosmetic Skin Treatments Are At Fault

Your Cosmetic Skin Treatments
Image: Shutterstock

A lot of so-called skin clinics and salons promise immediate relief for acne, and they do so by promoting their “specialized” skin facials and peels. While they do work in short-term, overuse of such treatments can make your skin more sensitive, and prone to issues such as dermatitis. So if you are seeking relief from persistent acne it’s advisable that you steer away from such shortcuts.

Here’s What You Can Do To Treat It

1. Try OTC Treatments

Try OTC treatments
Image: Shutterstock

You can buy these products without a prescription. They usually contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid. These ingredients kill the bacteria that causes acne. However, they also cause the skin to become dry, therefore, you should adjust the dosage according to your skin type.

Also, these products take time to work, so don’t expect immediate results (5).

2. Use Water-Based Moisturisers

 Use Water-Based Moisturisers
Image: Shutterstock

A lot of acne products end up making your skin dry. But, don’t use regular moisturizers to restore the moisture content in your skin. Most of the regular moisturizers are oil-based, and they can block the pores of your skin leading to more acne.

Therefore, use water-based moisturizers that are non-comedogenic as they are light-weight, and will allow your skin to breathe while restoring its moisture content (6).

3. Avoid Using Too Much Makeup

Avoid Using Too Much Makeup
Image: Shutterstock

While it may seem very tempting to hide the angry zit under layers of foundation and concealer, we would advise you not to do so. If you really have to put on makeup, use those products that are labeled non-comedogenic, and don’t have chemicals and dyes in them.

4. Eat Right

Eat Right
Image: Shutterstock

If you find yourself with pimples the next day after eating certain foods such as chocolate, or fried food, it’s best to avoid them. Try to eat healthy and light meals containing adequate amounts of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Also, try to avoid dairy products, and processed foods that contain sugar, as they are known to trigger acne (7).

5. Don’t Touch The Zit

Don’t Touch The Zit
Image: Shutterstock

Even though it seems impossible to do so, this is a cardinal rule in preventive skin care for acne. If you keep touching your zit, you can spread the zit-causing bacteria to other uninfected areas of your face, also picking on those zits can leave difficult-to-heal scars on your face. So it’s best if you keep your hands away from your face for a while.

These are a few handy tips that can help you stop those zits from coming back. In case, you face further complications it’s best to consult a dermatologist to get to the bottom of the issue.

Do you have any other tips to handle persistent acne? Share them in the comments section.

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