When Will Others Feel Baby Kick?

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Feeling those early flutters helps expectant mothers to tune into their pregnancy in a completely different way. Feeling the baby move inside their womb is also one of the precious moments in pregnancy which washes away all their stress and worries about becoming a new parent. So it’s natural that they would want to share this experience with their partner or loved ones. If you are curious to know when you can feel your baby and how soon can your partner experience this, we have got all the deets for you.

When Can You Feel Your Baby Move

Baby kicks, baby flutters, baby movements – call them what you will. It refers to the movement of the fetus inside a mother’s womb. You might not feel any movements from your baby during the initial months of pregnancy as your baby is small and not strong enough. But as your pregnancy progresses, and your baby is now big and strong, you can sense some noticeable movements. Though it may vary from person to person, women generally feel those initial flutters when they are 25 weeks into their pregnancy. Whereas for women who have previously given birth it can be as early as 13 weeks of pregnancy. Experiencing those movements can be an exciting phase for new mothers. But expectant moms can also breathe a sigh of relief knowing that their baby is doing well inside their womb. An active baby usually indicates a healthy and happy baby (1).

When Others Can Feel Your Baby Move

When Others Can Feel Your Baby Move
Image: Shutterstock

Not all women are comfortable with others touching their belly or feeling their baby movements. But if you are eager to share this joy with your loved ones, it can vary depending upon person to person. Naturally, you will be the first one to feel the baby kick. Your partner might be able to notice the movements a few weeks later. As time progresses, the kicks will become stronger and frequent which will help your partner notice them soon.

When you are closer to the 25th week of pregnancy, your baby will start recognizing familiar sounds and voices. So, talking to your baby when your partner is around can prompt a few kicks as well (2).

Several other factors such as the body weight, body type, baby’s position, and position of the placenta in the mother’s womb might also come into play to determine how soon your partner can feel your baby kick. If you are carrying twins or multiples, your partner may be able to feel the baby kicks much sooner.

How It Feels

How It Feels
Image: Shutterstock

Since these movements may mimic the sensation of having hunger pangs or gas pains, it can be harder to identify it at first. But as your baby grows, these movements will become much more strong and consistent that will help you realize that it’s indeed your baby moving inside the womb. The exact location of where the movements will occur depends upon the baby’s position inside the womb. Women can feel them in the center or towards the sides of their belly.

Before you let your partner or others hold your belly, it’s important to confirm that what you are feeling is indeed your baby’s movement. Here are a few descriptions by women that will help you recognize baby flutters:

  • Feeling like butterflies moving around in the stomach
  • A bubbling or popping sensation
  • A ticklish feeling
  • Little pokes from the inside
  • The feeling of gas pains
How It Feels1
Image: Shutterstock

After you feel the first movements of your baby, talk to your doctor at your next checkup. The early movements may be inconsistent and harder to keep track of. So there’s nothing to worry about if the flutters come and go, and are very few. Your doctor might discuss to you about counting your baby’s kicks at around 28 weeks of pregnancy. Keeping track of baby kicks is a good way to monitor your baby’s growth and development. Also, your baby may kick more after having a meal or around nighttime. So if you are eager to help your partner feel those movements, make sure you have them close by during those times.

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