Go Ahead, Touch My Belly! 3 Reasons Why Pregnant Women Should Stop Complaining About Belly Touchers

Written by Mitha Shameer
Last Updated on

We often see women complain about belly touchers. While there are some remarks that are certainly off limits like, “Oh, God, you look like you are ready to pop”, “I hope the baby doesn’t get your nose”, or “You have been pregnant forever!”, we are not sure if belly touching is such a horrible thing after all.


Touching a belly ticks off pregnant women, and we know this because we have seen women complain and rant about how dare they touch their belly. Here are a few reasons as to why you should embrace the belly touching and love everything about it:

It’s Done Out Of Love

The sight of a pregnant woman brings the best emotions out of people. Your baby bump reminds them that you have a tiny human inside your belly. Even for a stranger who sees you for the first time, they are reminded of the miracle of life. YOU remind them of the miracle of life! If an old granny meets you at a supermarket, I’m sure she will try to strike up a conversation about her pregnancy experience reminiscing about it. Don’t be offended if someone asks to touch your belly. Embrace the love that you get from people when you are pregnant. People offer to hold the doors open and give up their seats in local trains when they see a pregnant woman. Why do you think they do it? In a world where people are consumed by greed and are at each other’s throats over a simple argument, you bring out the best out of them. Isn’t that wonderful?

It’s Just Pure Excitement For Your Baby

It's Just Pure Excitement For Your Baby pinit button
Image: IStock

People are really excited that you are having a baby. While some people congratulate you, for others touching your belly might give them joy. And yes, we do understand that it’s your baby and your body. But isn’t it exciting that other people and even people you barely know are excited about your baby? They are celebrating this happy occasion along with you. So, why not enjoy all this excitement and attention while it lasts?

Do That Many People Really Touch Your Belly?


Though I haven’t personally collected the numbers and made a chart of the people who actually touch pregnant women’s bellies, I can safely say that not many people do it. I have seen one or two people touching a pregnant woman’s belly and they usually ask first.

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience. Suddenly you are the center of attention and everything revolves around you. Even your partner will put up with your temper and terrible mood swings. And they have to, of course, because you are on a roller coaster ride pumped with hormones. And it’s partly their fault *wink*. But people do realize what a pregnant lady goes through and will go out of their way to help you. When you are lying in your bed during your post-partum period, they will cook warm meals and bring over to your house, take out the trash, and babysit your other kids. You see, they do it because of love and concern and also because they have journeyed through motherhood.

With all that said, if a person touches your belly without permission, you can certainly say no and say that you are not comfortable with belly touching. And, in most cases, people will ask permission. But if someone goes ahead to touch your belly, you can decline their approach and let them know you don’t like it. We are not springing on you the idea that you should let others touch your belly no matter what just because you are pregnant.

What are your thoughts on belly touching? Do you think it should never be done? Did many people touch your belly when you were pregnant too? How did you deal with it? We would love to hear your thoughts and experience in the comment section below.

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